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Thanksgiving Celebration with Ashram
and Guest Teachers & Artists
Thu, Nov 28 to Sun, Dec 01

Welcome to Ananda Ashram’s Thanksgiving Retreat, which includes morning and evening meditation programs — beginning at 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM daily — with fire ceremony and chanting for World Peace, Yoga-Vedanta scriptural studies and selected readings.

We offer daily yoga classes and also open Sanskrit language classes. Evening programs will feature concerts and Kirtan.

Thursday, Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day
Suggested Donation for Thanksgiving Day, Feast & Evening Program: $40 / included in Overnight and Day Guest Rates

5:00 – 6:30 PM Thanksgiving Vegan Feast
7:00 PM Meditation Program
7:45 PM “Attitude of Gratitude” Concert by Laraaji Nadananda & Arji OceAnanda
8:30 Special Guest Program with Jivamukti Yoga Founders Sharon Gannon & David Life; Hari Mulukutla

Friday, Nov. 29
8:00 PM Mantras & Music for Gratitude with Naren Budhakar

Saturday, Nov. 30
8:00 PM North Indian Vocal Concert by Deepak Kumar with Tabla Accompaniment