Jivamukti Yoga
Community journalsJuly, 2018
De la compasión a la acción
by OlgaBarroso
De la compasión a la acción. A veces, sentir compasión no es suficiente. Tenemos que actuar. En un mundo en el que las modas vienen y van, nos encontramos luchando por mantenernos vigentes, la compasión puede resultar como la característica menos práct …
July, 2018
Haciendo de la libertad una práctica
by Maria Macaya
La Práctica – Abhyāsa – de acuerdo con Patanjali es un enfoque continuo y dedicado hacia algo. Para que un trabajo se considere una práctica, debe realizarse regularmente, durante un tiempo largo, sin interrupciones, y con total dedicación. Practicar, …
July, 2018
Making freedom and caring a practice
by Maria Macaya
Practice – Abyāsa – according to Patanjali is a continuous and dedicated approach towards something. In order for the work to be considered practice it must be done regularly, for a long time, without breaks and in full earnestness. To practice, versus …
January, 2018
Our Jivamukti Tribe is a community of activists
by Sharon Gannon
The most powerful thing that we can do as individuals is to dare to care about the happiness and well being of others—including other animals. If we want to dismantle this present culture and create a new way of living, which isn’t based on exploiting …
December, 2017
Discernment: Holiday Tips For A Healthy Mind
by Jivamukti Editorial Team
For several decades, Jivamukti Yoga has empowered a generation of critical thinkers. Individuals who question so-called norms and lifestyle choices when those norms fall short of basic tenets of compassion with respect to animals, humans and Mother Ea …
November, 2017
Thanksgiving Recipe Inspiration
by Sharon Gannon
Since 1984, Jivamukti Yoga has helped many people lead happier, healthier, more compassionate lives. One way to bring more joy into the lives of others this Thanksgiving is to share a vegan recipe, such as Sharon Gannon’s Coconut Pudding from her accla …