Foundation Course
An exceptional, compact training assigned for apsiring teachers to learn the fundamentals and prepare for the 300-Hour Teacher Training

Jivamukti Yoga® Teacher Trainings will provide you with a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation. Jivamukti Yoga’s® focus on a non-dualistic view of life (the interconnectedness of all) awakens in the practitioner not only the need to protect the environment and all the animals and plants that share the planet with us, but also teaches skills to confidently achieve those goals for oneself as well as lead others to live in harmony with the planet.
The Jivamukti Yoga 75HR Teacher Training provides a practical foundational introduction to teaching the Jivamukti Method, based around the signature Spiritual Warrior sequence. Please see the topics below for more information about curriculum and what happens upon completion of the training.

“I think this training is a fantastic preparation for the 300 hour training… The fixed sequence of the Spiritual Warrior class and the breakdown into even smaller sequences make it easy to learn to teach a Yoga class. We had a lot of time to dive deep into Yoga philosophy and study. And we had time for discussions about vegetarianism and activism. I especially loved reading Sharon’s book Yoga and Vegetarianism. I am vegan since almost 8 years now but this book brought up so much things I never thought about… Thank you for this insight.”
Prepare for the 75HR Teacher Training
To qualify for the 75 Hour Teacher Training, you must first practice the Spiritual Warrior sequence a minimum of ten times. Don’t live near to a Jivamukti Yoga Center? That’s ok, we invite you to access our Spiritual Warrior classes taught online. Please email to request access.
Those new to teaching yoga and those with experience and certifications in other yoga lineages are welcome to sharpen their practical teaching skills and learn how to teach the Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior class.
You can participate in the JY75 if:
- You want to bring your yoga practice to a deeper level.
- You are interested Satsang, spending time with like-minded people who are interested in yours and their own personal growth.
- Students who are interested in seeing yoga practice from the teacher’s perspective
- You are interested in taking the 300-HR Jivamukti Teacher Training, but would like more experience with Jivamukti Yoga and the Jivamukti method before signing up for the 300 HR program.
- You have taken a 200 hr. Teacher Training elsewhere, and would like to delve deeper into the teachings of yoga and obtain more knowledge about the Jivamukti method.
- You are a Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher and you need Continuing Education Credits (*please note that the availability of CE credits may vary from studio to studio, please inquire to hosting center if you seek YA credits)
- You are a 300-HR Certified Jivamukti Teacher wishing to deepen your skills and knowledge in a practical manner.
Yes! The 75h TT online is organized alongside the onsite 75h TTs by local studios. Please contact the hosting school directly for information.
- Applicants must have practiced the Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior class a minimum of 10 times within the last 6 months, prior to the beginning of the orientation; and provide documentation that this prerequisite has been completed. Documentation can be provided in various ways, for example by providing MindBody class attendance printouts, or a log with dates classes were taken initialed by the teacher(s). If you are unable to practice with a local Jivamukti teacher, we invite you to access our online Spiritual Warrior classes online. Please email to request access to these online classes.
Students must familiarize themselves with and have copies of the following 5 publications:
- Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Mind, by Sharon Gannon and David Life.
- The Art of Yoga Assists, by Sharon Gannon and David Life
- Yoga and Veganism, by Sharon Gannon
- Jivamukti Chant Book, by Sharon Gannon and David Life
- The Magic 10 and Beyond, by Sharon Gannon
Important Notes About the Prerequisites
You must take the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class at least 10 times before attending the Jivamukti Yoga 75HR TT. This is a minimum, and we highly recommend you practice the sequence as much as possible to thoroughly learn what you will be teaching from the perspective of a practitioner/student. To know the sequence before the TT begins will be of great benefit for not only yourself and fellow participants, but also your future students, because it will make the training time as effective as possible.
In terms of theoretical preparation, you must at very least familiarize yourself with the content of all the required books. We recommend that you acquire them well before the training begins and begin reading or better, finish reading them prior to the first session. If you want to become a Jivamukti Yoga Teacher, reading the books which are core to the method will help to inspire you and lay the philosophical groundwork for you to be able to absorb as much of the material as possible.
Remember, all of the requirements and prerequisites have been created for the benefit of everyone involved, so in order to make the most of your time with the teachers, we ask that you invest in yourself first by giving these pre-assignments your best effort.
- Notebook for taking notes and journaling
- Writing utensils – Please bring your own to each session!
- Yoga mat, 1 yoga strap, 2 blocks (not styrofoam), and one blanket
- 1 jar of Jivamukti china gel** and 1 bottle of Jivamukti Lotion
* Notes: It’s a good idea to put your name on all your things.
** Based on availability in certain markets
*** Hosting centers may provide some yoga props, please check with your hosting center for specifics.
The local tuition fee for JY75 varies by hosting center, and is due and payable to the Program Director at the time of registration. Accommodations during the training, meals, and supplies are not included.
Please note: The tuition fee does not include the test class, which must be passed in order to be authorized to teach the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class in Jivamukti Schools and other studios.
Refund Policy: Partial or full refunds can be given under very extenuating circumstances. Host Center will determine the best course of action under such circumstances using the most compassionate approach to the students.
Credit Towards 300HR Teacher Training (Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Certification) as of June 1, 2024
Detailed overview below:
1) Credit Towards RESIDENTIAL 300HR Teacher Training (Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Certification)
If you choose to go forward with Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Trainings and complete the 300hr program, the fees you paid for your 75HR training will be offset against your 300HR tuition as follows:
Sign up to 300hr JYTT within one year after 75hour TT completion: 100% of JY75 tuition paid
Sign up to 300hr JYTT within two years after 75hour TT completion: 50% of JY75 tuition paid
Sign up to 300hr JYTT more than 2 years after 75hour TT completion: 0% of JY75 tuition paid
NOTE: The 300 Hour TT Early Bird Discount cannot be combined with 75HR TT offset incentive. I.e. if you signed up with a Early Bird Discount for the 300 Hour TT, your 75HR TT discount will be 300 $ less.
2) Credit Towards HYBRID 300HR Teacher Training (Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Certification)
If you choose to go forward with Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Trainings and complete the 300hr program, the fees you paid for your 75HR training will be offset against your 300HR tuition as follows:
Sign up to HYBRID 300hr JYTT within one year after 75hour TT completion: €1000 offset
Sign up to HYBRID 300hr JYTT within two years after 75hour TT completion: €500 offset
Sign up to HYBRID 300hr JYTT more than 2 years after 75hour TT completion: €0 offset
The Jivamukti Yoga 75 hour training is aimed to provide you with a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation. Jivamukti Yoga’s focus on a non-dualistic view of life (the interconnectedness of all) awakens in the practitioner not only the need to protect the environment and all the animals and plants that share the planet with us, but also teaches skills to confidently achieve those goals for oneself as well as lead others to live in harmony with the planet.
You will receive a training manual with an overview and summary of the curriculum content and with your homework assignments. The daily schedule consists of 5.5 hours of teacher training at the studio, a lunch break plus 2 hours of homework that you need to work on by yourself.
Every day of the training begins with a short meditation and an exploration into a topic of yoga philosophy and a mantra that is quintessential to the Jivamukti Yoga method. There is a daily practice of the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class, followed by a practical session on alignment, teaching methods, hands on assists, and/or a philosophy lecture. The focus of this training will be on teaching you how to teach and on the specific methodology of Jivamukti Yoga. This way, upon successful completion of this training, our aim is for you to be able to teach a Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class by yourself.
As part of the curriculum of the 75 hour Jivamukti Teacher Training, our goal is for you to learn:
- how to teach the exact sequence of the Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior class
- how to teach the Jivamukti Magic 10 as developed by Sharon Gannon
- how to apply and teach according to the art of Vinyasa Krama
- how to give safe assists for the asanas within the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class
- the foundations of the five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga (Ahimsa, Bhakti, Shastra, Nada, Dhyana)
- the meaning of three Sanskrit Mantras that are quintessential to the Jivamukti Yoga method, and how to chant them
- what asana practice has to do with the relationship to ourselves, and to the world around us
- how to properly receive and give feedback from/to others
After successful and complete attendance of all parts of this training, you will be issued a Certificate of Completion stating that you took 75 hours of foundational training in the Jivamukti Yoga method, namely how to teach the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class.
Teaching a test class in order to receive authorization to teach Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior classes: If you want to receive authorization to teach a Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class in Jivamukti Schools and other studios, without taking the full 300hr Jivamukti Teacher Training, you must pass a test class. The test class is not an audition; it demonstrates your total knowledge of the sequence and proficiency in giving verbal cues and hands-on assists in a live class setting.
For this test class, which has to be passed within one year of the completion of your 75hr training, you need to pay an additional examination fee, which varies by studio. If you pass this test class, you will be issued another written certificate that will say: “You are now authorized to teach a Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior Class”. The official test class is to be scheduled at any suitable location, preferably at a Jivamukti Yoga Studio. You may take the test class with any properly authorized Jivamukti Yoga faculty, it does not need to be the same as where you attended the 75hr Training. Test classes can be given to any of the following people:
a. A 75 hr TT Facilitator
b. An Advanced Certified JY teacher who has assisted the 75 hr TT at least once.
c. A current mentor in the JTAP program
d. A Continuing Education Program Director
e. A Jivamukti Yoga School Director
It is suggested that, after completion of our 75hr training, you first teach a number of classes, free of charge, in your community or to your friends/family, in order to enable you to confidently teach a test class at a Jivamukti Yoga School of your choice in front of the Director of the school, a 75hour Jivamukti Teacher Training Facilitator and/or the school’s JTAP Program director.
If you do not pass, the test class, you may repeat it for an unlimited number of times within one year (subject to the examination fee being paid for each test class).
Alternatively, you may also elect to take the 300HR Jivamukti Teacher Training at a later point which authorizes you to teach any Jivamukti Yoga class, including the Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class, without passing a test class.
If you decide not to take the test class: This certificate of completion alone does NOT authorize you to teach Jivamukti Yoga Spiritual Warrior classes nor does taking this 75hr foundational training alone authorize you to teach any other Jivamukti Yoga class. These limitations will be stated in fine print on your certificate.
Please note: The 75hr Teacher Training is an introductory, foundational training and therefore, the certificate will also state, in fine print: “You cannot call yourself a Jivamukti Yoga Teacher until you attend a 300HR TT program to become a Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher, nor may you teach any other Jivamukti Yoga classes or use the brand name Jivamukti Yoga for any of your other yoga classes or similar yoga teaching services.”
Did you or will you take the 75h JYTT?
Please kindly register in our database of participants by clicking below.
Upcoming 75hr teacher training












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