Introductory course



What is a Jivamukti Immersion™?
The Jivamukti Immersion™ experience is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the deeper teachings of the Jivamukti Yoga Method. The material presented is drawn from the one month Jivamukti Teacher Training course, but it is presented in a more relaxed way with plenty of time to enjoy and reflect.

The Immersion is offered as a weekend course as well as a 5-day course and can be presented as both an overnight residential experience where room and meals are included or offered as a day-time experience which starts in the morning, breaks for lunch and concludes in the early evening, when students go home for dinner and sleep and come back the next morning.

How long is the immersion?
5-day course and can be presented as both an overnight residential experience where room and meals are included or offered as a day-time experience which starts in the morning, breaks for lunch and concludes in the early evening, when students go home for dinner and sleep and come back the next morning.
What is the purpose of a Jivamukti Immersion™?
A Jivamukti Immersion™ takes the student deeper into the study of Jivamukti Yoga and its five tenets: Ahimsa, Scripture, Meditation, Nada and Bhakti, as well as asana. Jivamukti’s passionate focus on the original meaning of the Sanskrit word “asana”—as seat, connection, relationship to the earth—is as practical as it is radical during this time of global crisis and consciousness shift. The Immersion is perfect for those wishing to delve into the practical and mystical practices of Jivamukti Yoga. A Jivamukti Immersion™ provides great opportunities to make breakthroughs in asana practice, detox your body/heart/mind, and more deeply integrate your individual self with the greater reality.

Because of the world-wide popularity of Jivamukti Yoga, Immersions attract students from all over the world, enabling you to meet new friends from many diverse places, building stronger yoga communities locally and globally.

“Jivamukti Yoga is a practice which transforms the individual by means of spiritual activation. Through its practices we can as members of a greater, world-wide community dismantle this present culture and begin to build a new way of life—where peace, love and harmony among all beings forms the foundation. We don’t have time to wait for enlightenment, alone in isolated caves or yoga bubbles—now is the time to become spiritually activated so that we can see what we have known in our hearts all along—that what we do to the world we ultimately do to ourselves.”—Sharon Gannon

Who attends Jivamukti Immersions™?
* Anyone who is interested in the Jivamukti method (brand new students welcome)
* Anyone who already practices the method and seeks a residential immersion experience
* Anyone who might be interested in taking the Jivamukti Teacher Training Course, but would like to experience a more relaxed “sample-taste” first before committing to the month-long course
* Anyone who wants to meet other yogis and yoginis from many parts of the globe
* Alumni from previous Jivamukti Teacher Trainings who want to experience a reunion with other teachers
* Yoga teachers from other disciplines and styles who wish to expand their experiential knowledge of other forms of yoga and gain continuing education credits
What are the benefits of a Jivamukti Immersion™ to someone who is already a yoga teacher?
A Jivamukti Immersion™ offers the opportunity to:

* Enhance teaching skills
* Learn how to become a spiritual activist
* Develop an energetic understanding of alignment and yoga assists
* Deepen the understanding of yoga scripture and how to incorporate the teachings into yoga classes and everyday life
* Learn how to become a more effective communicator
* Re-invigorate and re-energize an asana/meditation practice

* Note to certified Jivamukti Teachers:
Time spent in an Immersion will count as credit hours toward an 800-hour certificate in Jivamukti Yoga. Sessions in the Immersion will go toward the 800-hour certification requirements of Jivamukti Yoga class attendance, Jivamukti Yoga workshops/retreats attendance, Satsang attendance, Sanskrit and scriptural study, and meditation. The immersion itself does not result in a certificate. When taken by a student who is already enrolled in the 800- hour certification program at a Jivamukti Center then the hours that they spent in the immersion can be counted as credit toward the class attendance requirement. It is the student’s responsibility to get the teacher who has taught an immersion to sign a piece of paper which verifies that that student participated in “X” number of hours of class room sessions. That student then brings that verification to who ever their mentor is at the center where they are enrolled in the 800-hour apprentice program. I would assume that students enrolled in a 800-hour program are already quite familiar with this procedure as they have to do it every time they take class or attend a satsang at their host center.


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The 75hr Teacher training

The Jivamukti Yoga® 75-Hour Teacher Training will provide you with a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation.


The Jivamukti Yoga® 300-Hour Teacher Training is a month-long residential program held at different locations around the world.This rigorous program thaught by senior Jivamukti Yoga® teachers is considered to be the most comprehensive yoga teacher training available



The Jivamukti Teacher Apprenticeship Program is a mentored curriculum augmented by mentored teaching, practice, self-study and additional workshops, combining for a total of 500-plus hours of training.


Successful completion of the Board Exam qualifies one as an “Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga® Teacher”. Although 800-hour certification (completion of the Jivamukti Teacher Apprenticeship Program) is not required to appear before the Review Board, it is strongly recommended.