Classical Yoga Teachings to Liberate a Modern World,

as taught by master yoga teachers, artists, & activists

Sharon Gannon & David Life

For over 25 years, thousands of inspired individuals world wide have become certified in Jivamukti Yoga.

These inspired Yogis are transforming the world for the better – as teachers, parents, activists, filmmakers, animal rights leaders….setting an elevated example on and off the mat, in the studio and in the world.

The Jivamukti Yoga Method equips teachers & students with the knowledge and power of yoga and mantra and how to apply this ancient wisdom – that truly belongs to everybody – to build a kind, fair and equitable society.

Classical Yoga Teachings to Liberate a Modern World,

as taught by master yoga teachers, artists, & activists

Sharon Gannon & David Life

For over 25 years, thousands of inspired individuals world wide have become certified in Jivamukti Yoga.

These inspired Yogis are transforming the world for the better – as teachers, parents, activists, filmmakers, animal rights leaders….setting an elevated example on and off the mat, in the studio and in the world.

The Jivamukti Yoga Method equips teachers & students with the knowledge and power of yoga and mantra and how to apply this ancient wisdom – that truly belongs to everybody – to build a kind, fair and equitable society.

What Students Say:


“My Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. The training is intense and extremely well rounded. It provided me with the tools and knowledge I needed in order to start out as a yoga teacher”.

“After the short 4 weeks the program spanned, I have emerged a completely different person. It was like unknowingly going into a cocoon in the beginning, then realizing you’re in the cocoon midway through, then coming out the butterfly in the end. Mentally and spiritually, I have just leveled up, big time! I was injected with a massive dose of knowledge, spirituality, and love that I can can feel running through my veins and in every atom of my body. I feel connected to the earth, the trees, the air, everything, and everyone.

It prepared me in the best possible way to pass all this knowledge on to further students.”

An honour to study this wisdom shared by our wonderful teachers and mentors

Everything that I was searching for.

What Students Say:


“My Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. The training is intense and extremely well rounded. It provided me with the tools and knowledge I needed in order to start out as a yoga teacher”.

“After the short 4 weeks the program spanned, I have emerged a completely different person. It was like unknowingly going into a cocoon in the beginning, then realizing you’re in the cocoon midway through, then coming out the butterfly in the end. Mentally and spiritually, I have just leveled up, big time! I was injected with a massive dose of knowledge, spirituality, and love that I can can feel running through my veins and in every atom of my body. I feel connected to the earth, the trees, the air, everything, and everyone.

It prepared me in the best possible way to pass all this knowledge on to further students.”

An honour to study this wisdom shared by our wonderful teachers and mentors

Everything that I was searching for.

Are You Ready for

Your Transformation?

Are You Ready for

Your Transformation?

A 28 Day Residential Teacher Training Course

Transform your life. Daily asana practice & meditation form a solid foundation for continued growth and help you cultivate inner and outer strength and discipline

Global Community

Become a part of the global community of teachers who collaborate and inspire each other, with a lifelong path of continued education

Innovative Integrated Practice

Learn how to teach yoga according to the Jivamukti Method, which has awakened and activated the hearts of thousands

Discover Profound Philosophy

Sacred mantras, uplifting scripture, and a framework for living a spiritual life are a key component to this training.

Practical Exploration

Asana, meditation, anatomy, kriya, pranayama, hands on assists, Sanskrit and more – deepen your practice and inspire others to do the same, cultivate powerful tools to support students on their path to enlightenment.

Spiritual Lifestyle, On & Off The Mat

Experience the benefit and joy of a vegan diet and conscious lifestyle within the nurturing training environment and many other ways Jivamukti brings yoga into all of life.

Upcoming 300HR Teacher Trainings

Upcoming 300HR Teacher Trainings




OCTOBER 1 2024 – JUNE 14 2025

The Jivamukti Yoga 300+ hour certification program is considered by many to be the most comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training available.

It attracts students from around the world and produces empowered, qualified yoga teachers.

The month-long residential Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training covers yoga philosophy, history of yoga, Sanskrit, anatomy, hands-on assisting, practice teaching sessions, study groups, mentor guidance, quizzes, exams, and all aspects of Jivamukti Yoga.

The course is full and offers the fundamental tools needed to not only understand and immerse yourself in the yoga practices but also to develop the skills to be able to pass these teachings on in a creative way.

Open to both dedicated beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners or long time teachers, the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training provides a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual, and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation. Emphasizing interconnectedness and a nondualistic view of life, this practice awakens within us a need to protect the planet and all life on earth. Gain the skills to confidently achieve those goals for yourself, as well as the ability to teach others how to live in harmony.

The Jivamukti Yoga 300+ hour certification program is considered by many to be the most comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training available.

It attracts students from around the world and produces empowered, qualified yoga teachers.

The month-long residential Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training covers yoga philosophy, history of yoga, Sanskrit, anatomy, hands-on assisting, practice teaching sessions, study groups, mentor guidance, quizzes, exams, and all aspects of Jivamukti Yoga.

The course is full and offers the fundamental tools needed to not only understand and immerse yourself in the yoga practices but also to develop the skills to be able to pass these teachings on in a creative way.

Open to both dedicated beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners or long time teachers, the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training provides a blueprint for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual, and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: liberation. Emphasizing interconnectedness and a nondualistic view of life, this practice awakens within us a need to protect the planet and all life on earth. Gain the skills to confidently achieve those goals for yourself, as well as the ability to teach others how to live in harmony.

Liberation: On and Off the Mat

The Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training focuses not only on the physical postures, but also on how the postures evolved. We explore yoga’s ancient sacred texts and five-thousand-year-old traditions, as well as the psychotherapeutic benefits that develop with a steady practice, and the spiritual power that is set free when energy flows throughout the heart, body, and mind. Throughout the program, senior Jivamukti teachers will guide you and help you to understand the principles that underlie the ancient practices of yoga and how to integrate them into the world today.

Learn to live your yoga practice 24/7

Daily Schedule

7:00 am

Light Breakfast

/Study Session

8:00 am


8:30 am

Scripture Lecture

9:00 am

Asana Class

10:30 am


12:00 pm

Group Mentor Meeting

12:45 pm


2:00 – 6:00 pm

Lectures or Practical Sessions

6:00 pm

Dinner & Study Time

8:00 – 10:00 pm


Learn to live your yoga practice 24/7

Daily Schedule

7:00 am

Light Breakfast/Study Session

8:00 am


8:30 am

Scripture Lecture

9:00 am

Asana Class

10:30 am


12:00 pm

Group Mentor Meeting

12:45 pm


2:00 – 6:00 pm

Lectures or Practical Sessions

6:00 pm

Dinner & Study Time

8:00 – 10:00 pm


Topics in Focus

· Immersion in daily yoga practice

· In-depth sessions focused on vinyasa sequencing and alignment, including standing poses, forward bends, twists, backbends, inversions, and balances

· Study of the physical and energetic anatomy of the human body

· Sanskrit language immersion, where you learn to read, write, and recite the Sanskrit alphabet

· Exploration into major yogic texts, including the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

· Meditation practice twice a day and instruction on how to teach meditation to others

· Practice teaching and instruction for how to give hands-on assists to students while they are practicing asanas

· Lessons on how to practice and teach healing, purifying, and detoxifying hatha yoga kriyas

· Exploration of philosophy, ethics, and activism: how to live a more effective, positive, and harmonious life

· Direct experience in the importance of a vegan diet for human health, for sustaining the ecosystem, for reducing violence in the world, and as a means to enlightenment.


Sharon Gannon and David Life met in New York City in the early 1980s, then travelled to India together for their first yoga teacher training. Eventually they met their 3 gurus, who passed them precious wisdom and empowered them to teach it. They were not expecting to found a movement, but as they gained more wisdom and synthesized it into their innovative method of teaching, their following expanded around the globe. Over the past 4 decades, the Jivamukti Method, including the Teacher Training curriculum was refined into what remains today- a teacher training course regarded around the world as a pinnacle of yoga education, now taught by trusted senior teachers of the method.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “intensive” course mean? What makes it intense?

Intensive describes a total immersion into yoga practice and learning to teach in just under one month. Jivamukti Teacher Training is known to be one of the most comprehensive yoga teacher certifications in the world, so there is a lot of material to be covered! The schedule can be considered intensive as it’s from 8am until 10pm most days. There are breaks for meals in-between, but the days are very full. Students can expect a physically demanding experience as they might be practicing more asana than they are used to, especially considering that some days have a 4-hour practical session in addition to daily practice which is around 90 minutes long. It can also seem intense to switch between many topics back-to-back, between physical and philosophical components. Students might find the course intellectually, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually intense due to the nature of the profound and sacred topics that are explored in a new environment. You can expect support through your challenges from the JYTT faculty, especially your mentor, as well as fellow trainees. Many students describe the challenge as life-changing, transformative, a great opportunity to grow, and an opportunity to realize how much we are capable of.


The 75HR TT is an introductory course focused on the 1-hour Spiritual Warrior Class, which includes how to teach and assist. One may teach after passing a test class which is not a part of the 75HR TT. It is suitable for both first-time and experienced yoga teachers who are new to the Jivamukti Method. Key method philosophy is also introduced. The 300HR TT is the full Jivamukti Method certification and will provide an expansive look at the Jivamukti Open Class and as well as the other JY Class formats (including Spiritual Warrior), and exploration of many other topics. Once you have completed the 300HR TT, you are a certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher.


While there is a small amount of crossover between the 75HR TT and 300HR TT curriculum, taking both courses will give new Jivamukti Yoga Teachers a strong foundation for the beginning of their teaching career. Someone who has taken the 75HR TT will have some understanding of Jivamukti Method already, which allows them to absorb the nuances explored in the 300HR TT more readily. Plus, you’ll get both trainings for the cost of one if you take the 75HR TT and then sign up for the 300HR TT within the same year.


Fill in the registration form on the web page specific to the course you’d like to attend. You can always email for support. A 50% deposit will secure your place in the training, and the rest is usually due 1 month before the training begins.


It is very important to take the preparation seriously so that you are not overwhelmed physically or mentally when training begins. Start preparing well in advance. There are books to read, spiritual commentaries to write, and anatomy videos to watch.You should also memorize and transcribe the Signature Class 6 & 7 sequences. There is a full explanation provided here:


No one other than the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Faculty has access to the ocean of wisdom provided by Sharon Gannon and David Life that makes up this course. Any imitation course can attempt to capture all of the important elements, but will likely be missing key sections that are only known to those who are authorized to teach the JYTT in full. The potency of the Jivamukti Method comes from the specific way things are placed together – therefore a different outcome can be expected if anything is changed. We hope anyone who wants to teach Jivamukti will do so in an authentic manner.

How is the Jivamukti Method different to other training?

Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training seeks to empower a yoga teacher to integrate as many aspects of yoga as possible. It creates a powerful practice for yogis in the modern world, in the beloved style created by Sharon Gannon and David Life as taught to them by their gurus, Sri Brahmananda Saraswati, Swami Nirmalananda, and K Pattabhi Jois. One of the amazing things about Jivamukti is that it creates a fluid, comprehendible, engaging and inspiring link between so many classical aspects of the practices, all in one methodology. This gives the student and teacher practitioner a framework and continued education roadmap for lifelong practice of yoga. Asana, pranayama, meditation, Sanskrit, anatomy, philosophy, activism, hands on assists, vibrant music, and innovative commentary on ancient wisdom makes this practice like none other. All of this is offered in the teacher training with joy to those who want to transform themselves and to change the world for the better.


In short, no. The Jivamukti certification is independent to the Yoga Alliance (YA). Jivamukti Yoga is one of the 9 internationally recognized methods of Hatha Yoga, and considered by many to be the most comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training available. Jivamukti certified teachers teach at studios, programs and festivals all over the world. Because Jivamukti Yoga School does not recognize YA as the universal governing authority on Yoga, JY school chooses not to be a member thereof. The coursework and curriculum for Jivamukti TT far surpass the YA requirements for RYT 200HR certification. That said, some teachers choose to take the Jivamukti course and then supplement with additional YA recognized courses if they feel the need to be YA-certified for any reason.


People of all ages, genders, nationalities, professions, and backgrounds from around the world. Some are yoga teachers with lots of experience, others are learning to teach yoga for the first time. Some come from communities with a strong Jivamukti presence, others will be the only Jivamukti teacher in their area. We celebrate the diversity of those who take the JYTT.

Is this a religious yoga style/training? Do I have to convert to something?

No, but you can expect a strong spiritual component through chanting, philosophy, and devotion which has been passed down through our lineage from India. Jivamukti teaches that yoga is complementary to one’s own beliefs and does not require you to change the form of God that you personally relate or do not relate to. That being said, you may encounter new ideas about the Divine and we encourage students to stay open to the experience, while noticing their own feelings and beliefs. Reading the prerequisite books will give you a good idea of what to expect, and we hope students will become as familiar as possible with these texts before embarking on the journey to teach. If you have any questions or concerns before the training, please contact us by email to discuss. If any questions or concerns arise during the training, you are welcome to talk with your mentor.


No problem! The program is open to everyone – from dedicated beginners to advanced practitioners with more than 20 years of experience. The training is also suited for those who have injuries and different conditions.All types of bodies take the training according to their capacity. While rigorous asana practice is part of the Jivamukti method, it extends far beyond the mat, and lectures form much of the content of the TT. As for the asanas, you will be able to modify and practice according to your own body’s capabilities, and you may be surprised about what changes with the intensive immersion into practice as you move through the course. As you learn how to work with your own body within the Jivamukti method, you’ll be able to help students compassionately to do the same. You will know what asanas to expect, because memorizing Class 6 and Class 7 is part of the course prerequisites. They serve as practical templates for learning to teach in the Jivamukti Open Class.


That is perfectly fine, but you should take the training with the same dedication and effort as someone who is preparing to teach Jivamukti Yoga. Stay open minded – you might fall in love with teaching as you build your confidence! We’ve seen this happen countless times – when someone truly discovers the love and joy of teaching and sharing their practice, even if they didn’t have this intention in the beginning. Plus, the world needs yogis and activists in all areas of life and business. Keep in mind that the teachings of yoga can be shared in many unique ways apart from leading yoga asana classes. The skills you learn include focus, patience, giving feedback, and clear communication., Jivamukti Yoga Teachers set a positive standard for their peers in many industries.


No,this is not covered in the 300HR TT. However, you can learn to play the full Jivamukti Chant Book via our Harmonium Course here:


The answer to this will depend on each individual, but we hope so! Part of your graduation requirements is that you fully teach and assist Class 6 and Class 7. Once completed, you’ll have the ability to teach two classic 90-minute Jivamukti Open classes. You’ll also have sequencing guidelines so that you can create classes of your own.


You can start teaching right away, and we highly recommend that you do. This helps you to continue building experience. You may also decide to pursue the Jivamukti Teacher Apprenticeship Program right away, in order to continue refining your teaching through 1:1 continued education. There are also other continued education formats available, such as the TRC, and gatherings like the Ashram and Tribe. These all help keep you connected and keep your momentum going after the experience of being part of the Teacher Training.


The main language for the JYTT is English and a good understanding of English is necessary for success however estimated 70% of the students who take the training speak English as a second language, so it’s a very safe space to practice and improve. We recommend reading the prerequisites in English and taking as many yoga classes in English as you can to build your vocabulary. You can always ask clarifying questions if there are students or teachers who speak your language, look up words, or even hire your own translator if needed. Don’t let language hold you back. 

Tuition and Fees

The tuition for 28 day residential Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Trainings is $6550, a price which has remained fixed over the past 20 years. Tuition for Online Teacher Training starts at $4350.

Total costs include tuition plus accommodations package at your chosen location.

Scholarships are available for those who meet financial eligibility criteria. Please enquire by writing to

Prerequisite Assignments

Preparing for the JYTT is a journey in itself, between reading modern and classic yoga texts, writing spiritual commentaries, practicing and memorizing two different 90 minute Jivamukti classes, and getting familiar with anatomy concepts. Don’t miss the opportunity to be well prepared. As the training is very intense schedule wise and full of profound content, the more time you spend preparing the more likely it will be you can remain grounded during the experience. Click “read more” below for the full overview and see the complete instructions in the registration and published online here.



Read Only

Eternity is Happening Now, Vol I & II
by Sharon Gannon

Yoga Assists
by Sharon Gannon and David Life

Textbook of Yoga Psychology
by Ramamurti S. Mishra, M.D. (or Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, any reputably translation)

Hathayoga Pradipika
by Swami Muktibodhananda

The Bhagavad Gita
by Winthrop Sargeant
(or any reputable translation)

Read and Write 5 Spiritual Commentaries

Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul
by Sharon Gannon and David Life

Yoga and Veganism
by Sharon Gannon

The Journey Home: Autobiography of an American Swami
by Radhanath Swami or Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda (either one)

The Magic Ten and Beyond
by Sharon Gannon

Focus of the Month
(choose one from the current calendar year or the immediately preceding calendar year)

Practice, Memorize, Transcribe Classes 6 & 7

Transcribe each class by writing out, word for word, everything said by Sharon and David in the recordings, starting with the chanting but some choose to also transcribe the whole dharma talks at the beginning. Include breath counts, asana names, alignment instructions…. everything that is said as they teach the classes, like a script.

These class recordings will be made available after registration.

Class 6: Balancing with Sharon Gannon
Class 7: Backbending with David Life


Anatomy Introduction Videos
Be sure to take the quiz before TT begins


Read Only

Eternity is Happening Now, Vol I & II
by Sharon Gannon

Yoga Assists
by Sharon Gannon and David Life

Textbook of Yoga Psychology
by Ramamurti S. Mishra, M.D. (or Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, any reputably translation)

Hathayoga Pradipika
by Swami Muktibodhananda

The Bhagavad Gita
by Winthrop Sargeant
(or any reputable translation)

Read and Write 5 Spiritual Commentaries

Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul
by Sharon Gannon and David Life

Yoga and Veganism
by Sharon Gannon

The Journey Home: Autobiography of an American Swami
by Radhanath Swami or Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda (either one)

The Magic Ten and Beyond
by Sharon Gannon

Focus of the Month
(choose one from the current calendar year or the immediately preceding calendar year)

Practice, Memorize, Transcribe Classes 6 & 7

Transcribe each class by writing out, word for word, everything said by Sharon and David in the recordings, starting with the chanting but some choose to also transcribe the whole dharma talks at the beginning. Include breath counts, asana names, alignment instructions…. everything that is said as they teach the classes, like a script.

These class recordings will be made available after registration.

Class 6: Balancing with Sharon Gannon
Class 7: Backbending with David Life


Anatomy Introduction Videos
Be sure to take the quiz before TT begins

Upcoming 300HR Teacher Trainings




OCTOBER 1 2024 – JUNE 14 2025


Students from around the world have taken this course for a variety of reasons, at different times in their lives, with varied levels of prior experience. Please get in touch with our friendly registration team, to discover how the Jivamukti TT Journey fits into your path. If your heart is calling, even a whisper, don’t wait to discover the way! We are happy to hear from you.  


Bookings and Enquiries