Love With Both Hands: An E-Book Project

by PremBodhi |
May, 2020
Dearest Jivas,
I wanted to share my latest book, “Love with both hands” with you all. I started writing on 17 March while in lockdown in my home in Barcelona. Once I started I could not stop. I would love you to read the book and share any feedback and insights. We are hoping to collect intelligence and insight from all over the world and publish a follow up, helping us move towards a more appropriate and happier form of existence. Your input and participation would be epic!
Download the FREE e-book here:
I didn’t want to wait for “traditional” publishing to release so decided to share as a free e-book right away. I hope it can reach as many people as possible people during this time. It feels like the “universe” is asking us to come up with new ways of living.
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I hope we as a community can lead the way.
Please feel free to share with anyone. And do get in touch if you have any ideas or would like to contribute further.
I also teach every morning at 7am Barcelona time (CEST) on Zoom. Consider yourself invited!
Contact me via email for yoga details and for more info and ways to support the flight of the new e-book and movement to join hands across the world.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
With much love