Jivamukti Yoga
Community journalsJune, 2019
M10&B “2” Sharing the Joy
by Catherine Miranda
“Compassion is infinite…” This reminder is very wise… so how silly is it of me that I would ever think “other-wise”? I notice that if I become attached to my own agenda (how the mind thinks things should go and people should act) it is easy to di …
June, 2019
M10&B “1” Growing in Gratitude
by Catherine Miranda
Gratitude is defined as ” the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. That sounds magical, but my goodness how do we get there? How do we learn to operate from a place of sincere appreciation and kindness? When I first read “Awaken …
June, 2019
M10&B: Unbelievably Magical
by Catherine Miranda
When the term “yoga practice” is used in our current society, it is usually assumed to mean asana- the demanding, uplifting and wonderful physical movements we enjoy in any Open, Spiritual Warrior, Beginner’s or even the lighter Restorative and Yin cla …
May, 2019
by jason@jivamuktiyoga.com
Tapah svādyāya īśhvara-pranidhānāni kriya-yogah. PYS 2.1 You must be fueled by a burning desire to continuously study the Self, which is only available in the present moment, and to devote yourself wholly to this effort – these are the action to attain …
March, 2019
Yoga for all
by Jivamukti Editorial Team
Yoga for all- by Karo Tak Patanjali Yoga Sutra Chapter 2 verse 35: ahiṁsā-pratiṣṭhāyaṁ tat-sannidhau vairatyāghaḥ ॥35॥ अिहंसाप्रितष्ठायां तत्सिन्नधौ वैरत्यागः॥३५॥ In the presence of one firmly established in non violence, all hostilities cease. (Sri Sw …
February, 2019
Vegan Wild Bird “Suet”
by Sharon Gannon
(Only use in cold winter months otherwise the oil will melt) to double the recipe 1 ½ cup organic coconut oil (refined-neutral taste) 3 cups ¾ cup organic peanut butter 1 ½ cup 3 ½ cup wild bird seed 7 cups 1 cup quick …