Jivamukti Yoga
Community journalsJuly, 2019
M10&B “7” The Shining (It’s not so scary)
by Catherine Miranda
My darling, there’s no such thing as the light at the end of the tunnel, you must realize that you are the light.” ~ Anonymous The teachings of yoga help us remember who we are. By this, I don’t mean remembering your name, job, and other demographic de …
July, 2019
M10&B “6” Cleansing and Kriya
by Catherine Miranda
When I was in my early 20’s I developed a weird compulsion for vacuuming my floors. (I say weird because my mother can attest that I was not compulsively neat in high school and my floors then we’re covered in clothes and teen fashion magazines). Howe …
July, 2019
When You Have Time to Think About ‘Time’
by April Dechagas
I had jury duty yesterday…so I had a lot of time to think about ‘time’. Time is an interesting concept – a set amount of time (in this case the 8 hours I spent at the courthouse) seems to either speed up or slow down depending on our situation/frame of …
July, 2019
M10&B “5” Dance. It’s divine.
by Catherine Miranda
“Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.” Martha Graham Dance always sounded like fun, but dance always sounded like something you did if you were trained …or if you were c …
June, 2019
M10&B “4” The Magic Ten Series
by Catherine Miranda
The Magic Ten is “a series of ten simple exercises, designed by Sharon Gannon, that can be done in about ten minutes. It is a good way to warm up for an asana class or to get your body moving first thing in the morning or at any time you need a ‘pep up …
June, 2019
M10&B “3” Feed the Birds.
by Catherine Miranda
A large bag of organic birdseed sits by my front door… Every morning I fill a small travel jar with seed, as I grab my shoes, bag and jacket. Why? Because, I aim to remember the three essential items when I leave home each morning – a practice Sharo …