Deep thoughts to ponder

Focus of the month
Storytelling: the Jivamukti Focus of the Month

February, 2015


by David Life

Stephen King said, “There are books full of great writing that don’t have very good stories.” All literature, movies, television or graphic novels do not endure without a good story. Great books like the Bible or Koran have stories that we remember our …

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Time Was, Is, and Will Be

January, 2015

Time Was, Is, and Will Be

by David Life

We regulate and evaluate our lives by time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, and decades are all measures of time. Time – that you can see passing in the sweep of the second hand and the sweep of the Sun across the sky. But how accurate ar …

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Mantra: the Jivamukti FOTM

December, 2014


by Sharon Gannon

The ancient yogic scriptures declare that God is sound and sound is God: Shabda Brahman. There is nothing but God. God is everything. God is real. God is reality. God is sound. All forms of reality are sound forms—music—their very substance composed of …

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November, 2014

Soul Power

by Sharon Gannon

Yoga is the practice of getting happy. Not ordinary happiness, but deep and lasting happiness that is unshaken by the ups and downs of life. Through yoga we wake up, slowly and over time, and as each bit of the veil of ignorance that keeps us from know …

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Serene Intelligence: the Jivamukti FOTM

October, 2014

Serene Intelligence

by Sharon Gannon

In this age of struggle, known as the Kali Yuga, it can be very difficult to maintain a serene mind. Conflict between nations, conflict at work, conflict with enemies, conflict with friends, conflict at home, and even conflict within oneself can distur …

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The Magic of Cooking

September, 2014

The Magic of Cooking

by Sharon Gannon

I asked my first spiritual teacher, the alchemist Randy Hall, “How do I become enlightened?,” and he responded, “First, learn how to cook, clean, and garden.” I was incredulous at his response; it disappointed me, and at the time I wasn’t able to embra …

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Identity: the Jivamukti FOTM

August, 2014


by Sharon Gannon

To see yourself in others, in all others, to see so deeply that otherness disappears…when that happens only One remains and that is Love. You are that. In the words of the Chandogya Upanishad: tat twam asi. This is what it means to be enlightened. An e …

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Sex, Death, Sleep, Love, Magic and Pratyahara

July, 2014

Sex, Death, Sleep, Love, Magic and Pratyahara

by Sharon Gannon

“Guruji, what is pratyahara?,” I asked my teacher. He came closer to me, turned my head to face a wall in his practice room and asked, “Look at that wall, what do you see?” “A wall?,” I asked timidly. “If you see a wall that means you have to practice …

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Union through Others

June, 2014

Union Through Others

by Sharon Gannon

The state of “yoga,” or “union,” is when the individual self reunites with the infinite, undifferentiated, eternal Self. Yoga has been described as samadhi, or blissful ecstasy, because it is such a relief to finally reconnect with your whole being aft …

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May, 2014

The Bodies of the Self

by Sharon Gannon

It’s often said that “You are what you eat.” According to yoga philosophy the material substance of our physical body is made of the food that we eat, derived from the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. In Sanskrit our material physica …

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April, 2014


by Sharon Gannon

Inverted asanas are the most important of all the asanas for several reasons. Their positive effects are felt on many levels: physical, psychological and spiritual. Inversions help to bring the many systems of the body into harmonious equilibrium, bala …

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Bhakti Trumps All

March, 2014

Bhakti Trumps All

by Sharon Gannon

A practitioner must be careful not to lose sight of the ultimate goal of yoga, which is God realization. Remembering God and being able to serve God should be foremost in our minds and hearts and should permeate all of our actions.  When we ask, “Make …

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