
Q & A with Sharon Gannon: Jivamukti Yoga Icon

Perhaps her debut was heavily involved in music, arts, and dance, but Sharon Gannon danced her way in to the arms of yoga, to a degree that has expanded into the openness and contribution of her own embrace. An activist, founder of the Jivamukti Yoga Method with partner David Life, amongst her many other talents, Gannon brings joy and happiness in a multitude of forms that hold our universe so dear.

A true inspiration, Gannon discusses her inspirations and influences, and how her journey with yoga began. Having fallen on her back and injured herself, Gannon was advised to practice yoga, and along went David Life. Through the struggles and pain, liberation was attained, and the awareness of a compassionate mind soared through the realms of reality, which has expanded from a method into an every single day practice, a lifestyle in being present.

Sharon discusses vegetarianism, the right fit and unique traits of Jivamukti Yoga, her favorite eats which must include those offered at the Jivamukti Cafe, but also her retreat in the rural parts of Woodstock,NY.

The Sharanam CD is a composition of Sanskrit mantras that have made it through and into the mainstream conscious, allowing one to take a melodious refuge and a space in which to reconnect with ourselves.

Living in a society where the individual has disappeared into a whole, where they are invisible to the rest of the world, has lead to the loss of connection, embrace, and exchange that makes the world a place of safe and shared happiness.

To read more about what Sharon says and advice to reconnect through practice, and how her own practice has change her life, click here.