Durga Devi was introduced to yoga through chanting and meditation as a teenager, through the Siddha Yoga lineage; Swami Baba Muktanada and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda.
In her late 30’s, she was introduced to asana practice and fell in love with the Ashtanga method. After completing a 200 hr. Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2003, Durga Devi completed a 300 hr training in Jivamukti Yoga in 2005 with David Life and Sharon Gannon and received their blessings as a certified Jivamukti Yoga teacher.
Durga Devi’s style of teaching has a spiritual foundation with a playful approach to challenging the body and the mind in order to break out of patterns and let go of limiting beliefs so that we may BE our true Self, which is blissful and luminous.
Her teaching is influenced from life experience and from her beloved teacher, Mark Whitwell. Durga Devi’s love of mantra and Bhakti Yoga is sustained through practice and studies with Bhagavan Das, from whom she received her spiritual name.