Amy Leonard-King
300hr Certified

Amy is passionate about sharing the teachings of Yoga. Her own experience with the practice was an evolution into what is now not only a daily practice, but touches every aspect of her life. Amy is humbled and inspired by the opportunity to share her love and joy of the practices of Yoga with anyone willing to take that first step onto the Yoga mat. More than exploring the physical practice of asana in her classes and linking awareness of the breath, Amy’s passion lies in sharing the deeper philosophy and ancient teachings that take us to a more subtle and profound understanding of ourselves, drawing us closer to our original state + connection with the divine. Amy teaches with great attention to detail, drawing awareness to all aspects + subtleties of being, whilst challenging her students to expand beyond their perceived limitations. She links the ancient philosophy of Yoga with how we can access these ideas in our modern lives, and is filled with much gratitude for all of her teachers, most significantly Sharon Gannon + David Life, who’s teachings continue to inspire her both in her teaching, as well as off the mat in her life as a whole.