Chris Schmaltz
300hr Certified
United States

Chris started practicing yoga in the 90s after reading a Vanity Fair article he found at the library. As his asana practice matured, he realized yoga to be a spiritual path illuminated by great masters of the past. It has been said that an experienced and dedicated asana practitioner will taste the spiritual fruits of the practice. As any farmer will attest: the sequence (i.e., vinyasa) of planting, growing, and harvesting fruit is challenging; thus, a challenging asana practice is always beneficial. When Chris first came to yoga he thought the spiritual fruits would be ‘yoga abs’ but soon realized them to be compassion, truthfulness, generosity, and friendliness. 

Apart from his yogic pursuits, Chris lives in the country with his husband, provides in-depth figure skating analysis to anyone who will listen, and engages with friends of Bill. Yet most importantly, he serves as a humble servant to his beloved cats.