Dr. Sharon M Jones
300hr Certified
New Jersey,
United States

Sharon began yoga in 2011 and studied the Baptiste Methodology, she began teaching yoga shortly thereafter. Sharon was introduced to Jivamukti Yoga by a friend and decided to take her first Jivamukti yoga class in Union Square New York, finding herself deeply connected to the methodology Sharon next attended a Jivamukti Yoga Immersion facilitated by Jules Febre and Yogeswari. Her love for, and interest in Jivamukti Yoga led her to become certified at the 75-hour level under the supervision of Austin Sanderson and Jessica Stickler. Sharon obtained her 300 hour Jivamukti certificate in 2020 under the supervision of Camilla Veen and Olga Oskorbina. Sharon also attended a 90 hour Jivamukti Teacher Refinement course in Mysore India under the supervision of Yogeswari, Dr. M.A. Jayashree, and Professor Narasimhan. The refinement course focused on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and assisting. Sharon is grateful to all her teachers throughout life, especially those who have imparted their spiritual wisdom and guidance to her.