Eva Lucie Daniela Cart
300hr Certified

As I was growing up, the world began to show me its many challenges and hardships. I was guided more and more into the world of movement medicine, and then Yoga. Through Yoga I was able to compassionately move through insurmountable challenges.
And it eventually became evident that these gifts needed to be shared with a wider community. I became a Teacher in February 2016 with the Santosha Yoga, an Australian Institute.

In 2018, I became a certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher, joining the community to empower humans to cultivate actions based on compassion, non-violence and Love.
Over the last six years I have received transmission from many teachers to whom I am endlessly grateful and devoted – among these are Sharon Gannon, Yogeswari and Meghan Currie. I have always believed in this collective inspiration for a creative expression of body and soul {or bodysoul}, to this end the Havah Yoga Collective was founded.

I wish to share these liberation practices for the heart as a pathway to recovery, transmitting the gifted experiences that helped me along the way.
There are so many stories to be shared. I cannot wait to connect and to hear the one that comes about for each one of you.

I aspire to meet every soul with Love, no matter their differences.