Giselle’s introduction to yoga in the early 90’s was a natural progression from her gymnastics/dance background, her passion for music, and her childhood — she was raised by a bohemian flamenco dancer. Today all of these influence her style and approach to teaching and to life. ROCKING IT OUT IN CLASS Teaching for almost 15 years, Giselle flavors her classes with grit, spunk, and spirit, as she delves deeply into the anatomy of body and mind. She delivers not just a physical practice, but one that weaves the resonance of ancient teachings with a modern approach to asana. The result: a powerful punch blending depth, groundedness, and connection to the power of one’s humanity. Her comprehensive approach weaves yogic philosophy, Sanskrit, anatomy, skillful and intuitive hands-on assists, funky eclectic music, and tons of fun, all designed to renew the connection of self to others. Her aim is to light your fire, push the fearless button, and let your soul soar! ESTEEMED TEACHERS Giselle has had the honor of training with such luminaries as Sharon Gannon, David Life, Sarah Powers, Jai Uttal, and her Sanskrit teacher, Manorama, to name a few. As a senior teacher, she received her advanced certification with Jivamukti Yoga, and has served as a faculty member in their esteemed teacher training, as a board member for their advanced board exam, and as a mentor for new teachers. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Giselle presents at yoga studios, conferences, and festivals around the world. She’s graced the covers of Yoga Journal US and Japan, and Yoga International Magazine, and has appeared in many of their articles. She’s featured in Kathryn Budig’s book Women’s Health: The Big Book of Yoga and Linda Sparrowe’s Yoga at Home. She’s written for Origin, Yoga Journal, and Mantra Magazine, serves on the advisory board for The Art of Yoga Project, and is a teacher on YogaGlo.com. When not teaching, she loves being with her amazing husband, daughter, and four dogs, all of whom inspire and support her every day.