Julia John
800hr Certified
New York
United States

Julia took her first Jivamukti yoga class in 2005 in a gym in Jersey City. At least 2 asanas behind, struggling to keep up and searching for a Sanskrit interpreter while mumbling through the chants. The yogic energy in that studio left a lasting impression on her and that yoga class changed her life. By the time the last Om of class had faded, she knew she wanted to study the Jivamukti yoga method. In 2012 she returned to her homeland to participate in Jivamukti’s first ever London teacher training. She is drawn by the practices ability to raise levels of awareness, energy and vibration through being compassionate to each other and ourselves. Julia’s classes reflect this gift by drawing from ancient texts, spiritual concepts and allowing enough space to invite students to explore what yoga means to them in a light hearted, supported environment. Timing is everything and after patiently waiting for the right opportunity Julia completed her 800 Hour Apprenticeship with her beloved teacher and mentor Rima Rabbath Rani in January 2017. She is eternally grateful to Sharon Gannon and David Life for creating the Jivamukti Yoga method and providing the beautiful space and community that allows us to practice and learn from each other every day.