Based in Oslo, Norway, Marianne is a freelance dancer, choreographer and performer, producing her own performances at the intersection of dance, theatre and performance. Marianne holds an holds a MFA from DOCH, University of Dance- and Circus in Stockholm with specialisation in Choreography and Performance and a two year degree from School of New Dance, now Høyskolen for Dansekunst – in Oslo. She is also part of various collaborative work as a dancer, choreographer, performer, mentor and curator. Her works, combining movement with text and voice, are most often linked to a specific site, to space, objects and materials, and the relational approach to the audience is always addressed. Being a certified massage therapist and Jivamukti yoga teacher (300 h+), the somatic and spiritual aspects of these practices are an inspiration in her artistic practice, where she examines different forms of presence and being, as well as methods for transformation and possible transcendence and ways of being intimate. She has presented work touring in Scandinavia, Finland, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Russia, The United States, Chile, Brazil and Ethiopia. In 2011 she was awarded Norwegian Government Grant for Artists. Marianne teaches at Leela Yoga and Puro Yoga in Oslo.
Marianne Skjeldal
300hr Certified