Rebecca Schmid
75hr Certified

Yoga has been an integral part of my life for about ten years. Through yoga I experienced how valuable it is to lead a holistic, conscious and profound lifestyle. Yoga helps to develop a mindful way of living. Mindfulness is a process in which we are constantly learning, evolving and growing. As a yoga teacher I see the possibility to bring my fellow human beings into contact with these insights. Through the Asana practice we learn to perceive our own body, to listen to ourself deep within and to create an awareness for a healthy and balanced life. My lessons are characterized by creative, invigorating flows to let the participants arrive completely in their bodies. This way I want to show how much energy is slumbering in each of us. The aim of my classes is to gain confidence in oneself and at the same time feel a firm connection with the earth. I put great emphasis on an individually correct execution of the asana alignment. PERSONAL BACKGROUND 2019: 75h Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training with Anja Kühnel 2018: 50h Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Kate Ashley 2018: 30h Adjusting and Sequencing with Mark Stephens 2018: 30h „The Art of Vinyasa“ with Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor 2017: 30h Therapeutic Wisdom with Doug Keller 2016/ 2017/ 1018: 120h Intensive Training in Iyengar Yoga with Glenn Ceresoli 2016: 50h Advanced Intensive Training with Michael Hamilton 2015: 200h Teacher Training based in Ashtanga Vinyasa, Goa India