In an essay posted on entitled ‘What Do Birds Do For Us’, Barry Yeoman writes about a tree in the American Northwest called the white bark pine, that both humans and other animals have come to rely on. Its large seeds feed grizzlies and bla …
In an essay posted on entitled ‘What Do Birds Do For Us’, Barry Yeoman writes about a tree in the American Northwest called the white bark pine, that both humans and other animals have come to rely on. Its large seeds feed grizzlies and bla …
abandon.comに収録されているアメリカシロゴヨウというアメリカの北西部に生息する木について書かれている「What Do Birds Do For Us(鳥が私たちにしていることは何か)」というタイトルのエッセイでベリー・ヨーマンは、人間と他の動物は相互に信頼関係にあると書いています。 アメリカシロゴヨウの種は灰色クマや黒クマの食物となります。木々の集団はシカやヘラジカ、体格の大きな鳥の住まいとなります。アメリカシロゴヨウは上にまっすぐに伸びるので飲料水の供給を保護するのに効果的です。山が育ま …
The word soul probably has limitless meanings and interpretations. Depending on the philosophical or religious background the ideas can range from the non-existence of a soul to having multiple souls or even evil souls. From a yogic perspective the wor …
The word soul probably has limitless meanings and interpretations. Depending on the philosophical or religious background the ideas can range from the non-existence of a soul to having multiple souls or even evil souls. From a yogic perspective the wor …
Das Wort „Seele“ hat bestimmt unendlich viele Bedeutungen und Interpretationen. Je nach philosophischem oder religiösem Hintergrund reichen diese vom Nichtexistieren einer Seele bis hin zu multiplen oder gar bösartigen Seelen. Aus yogischer Sicht kann …
To bring more joy into your life, hang a bird feeder outside your window filled with organic birdseed, or put some seeds or bread crumbs on a windowsill. Carry with you a small bag of seeds and feed the birds on your way to the bus or subway or whereve …
To bring more joy into your life, hang a bird feeder outside your window filled with organic birdseed, or put some seeds or bread crumbs on a windowsill. Carry with you a small bag of seeds and feed the birds on your way to the bus or subway or whereve …
Um mehr Freude in dein Leben zu bringen, hänge eine Vogelfutterstation mit biologisch angebauten Vogelsamen an deinem Fenster auf oder verteile ein paar Samen oder Brotkrumen auf deinem Fensterbrett. Oder trage immer einen kleinen Beutel mit Samen auf …
In these fearful times, people are concerned about being in a post-truth world. Facts and fiction are now inter-twined, yes, however, here is a reality check: Even the so-called Truth that we believe is somehow absolute, based on evidence, corroborated …