Are we more than the sights and sounds of our culture? The ancient philosophy of yoga tells us yes; there is an eternal, ever-present reality within us that transcends the limits that society imposes on us. Art has always been a celebration, and thus a …
Are we more than the sights and sounds of our culture? The ancient philosophy of yoga tells us yes; there is an eternal, ever-present reality within us that transcends the limits that society imposes on us. Art has always been a celebration, and thus a …
The aim of yoga is to realize that we are all connected. We share one heart, one consciousness, and one Divine Source. Yoga’s method is to provide us with experiences that help us grasp this. To realize that we are all connected, it is helpful to conne …
A friend once told us that there’s really not much difference between the hero and the coward: they both feel the same fears and anxieties. The hero acts in spite of these fears and anxieties, however, whereas the coward turns away from action. The cul …
Our guru Swami Nirmalananda taught us a powerful mantra: Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu. “May all beings, everywhere, be happy and free. And may the thoughts and actions of my own life contribute, in some way, to that happiness and to that freedom for …
The Sanskrit term yoga is found in the Vedas, the most ancient scripture known, prehistoric in origin. An Indian philosopher named Patanjali did not invent yoga, but he did write its manual, the Yoga Sutras, several thousand years ago. Some western pro …
Jivamukti Yoga incorporates traditional yoga practices into a modern lifestyle without losing sight of the ancient, universal goal of liberation. We believe that liberation is possible even while living a modern urban lifestyle anywhere in the world. W …
It is said that two people cannot satisfy their thirsts from the same fountain and have a different taste in their mouths. There is only one yoga, even though there are many brand names for it. Some “brands” of yoga are based on breaking apart the vari …
Underlying each yoga asana a story can be found. Some of these stories are ancient myths that can reflect to us our own deepest drives, obstacles and desires. The origin of the warrior poses, Virabhadrasana I, II and III is derived from an ancient stor …
Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati was born into a Brahmin family as Ramamurti S. Mishra, in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. His mother was a spiritual teacher with many disciples. His father was a high court judge and master of astrology and astronom …
When a goal is established, all faculties can then begin to align themselves toward the realization of that goal. The practices of yoga are all practices that train the faculty of attention, harnessing and directing it toward the goal, that goal being …
Meditation is the practice of watching your mind think. Why would you want to watch your mind think? Well, when you can watch something, you will come to know that you are not that something. You cannot watch and be what you are watching at the same ti …