In the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali gives us five recommendations, called yamas, for how we should treat others if we want to attain liberation. The fourth yama is brahmacharya, which means “to respect the creative power of sex and not abuse it by manipulatin …
As one of the five Yamas, Patanjali presents the practice of non-stealing as a way to be able to see the preciousness in everything. The word ratna, which means jewel, indicates prosperity. It appears when we stop taking things that do not belong to us …
In order to develop unwavering discriminating knowledge (vivekakhyāteḥ) between the seer and the object of seeing or Puruṣa and Prakṛti, master Patañjali states that it is essential to purify the mind. It is by practicing the eight limbs of Yoga that t …
Ahiṃsā is a practice that leads to enlightenment, a state of consciousness said to be beyond words. However words and phrases such as ‘spacious,’ ‘illuminated,’ ‘truth bearing,’ ‘non-identification with one’s mental whirlings,’ and/or ‘the eighth limb- …
Yoga means “union with the Divine.” This union with Bhagavan cannot be attained through effort alone—it occurs only through God’s grace. All that exists is God, and all exists because of God. In an absolute sense, nothing is separate from Bhagavan. All …
What determines the result of any action in life is the Intention that lies behind it. Intention can be defined as something that you want or plan to do, in other words an aim that has a goal. To do something intentionally means to do something on purp …
The Sanskrit word chakra means “wheel.” A wheel rolls, turns, and by means of cyclic or circular movement, takes one on a journey. This journey occurs in space and time, and thus it is eventful, but it also may propel the traveler beyond the limits of …
The activation of an ethically based and philosophically sound spiritual practice means the integration of those precepts into the body politic, meaning the environmental, social, and political realms. We are members of various communities. Some of the …
“When āsanas, the sequence of changes, are woven together with breath and conscious intention, we align ourselves with the continuous flow, the undulating rhythm, of the universe.” — SG Vinyāsa is a moving meditation integrating five components; intent …
There was a time, and it was many years ago now, when I sat hiding under my grandfather’s desk. The desk was covered by an enormous Persian rug that covered the four corners of the table, draping endlessly onto the floor. In that study where he used to …
Scientists have calculated that over the course of one day in our modern world we consume five times more information than people did 30 years ago. As a result of this our concentration span is diminishing. When closing our eyes for meditation practice …
Nāda is classified into two forms: anāhata and āhata. Anāhata,” the unstruck”, is the vibratory primordial sound of creation that requires no friction to be produced. Also known as prānava, or Om (A-U-M), it is a sound perceptible only to our subtle sp …