In the Jivamukti tradition Bhakti, Devotion, is a key element in every class, because if we aren’t consciously focusing our mind on something beyond ourselves or some sort of sacred energy, we might end up worshipping mundane issues like ambition, vani …
Ahiṃsā, non-harming, is a practice that can lead us to yoga and is categorized as a ‘restraint’ or yama – a practice of holding back or restraining ourselves from causing harm. The idea of restraint implies that harming may already have been there – un …
Āsana can act a vortex pulling into its practice kindness, devotion, stillness, beauty and self reflection. As we move our body and attune our mind through an āsana practice we are simultaneously planting the seeds of devotion. Each time we come back t …
Yoga is a word that encompasses a very wide range. It can refer to practices as well as end results. There are yoga traditions that hail from the Himalayas and those that have been reimagined and brought west. The word yoga has become well known in man …
Ādi Shaṅkarācārya the great Vedantic scholar from the 8th Century said this verse was not meant for ritual, like so much of the Vedas but that its purpose was to reveal the light of awareness as the nature of true Self or Atman. The Isha in the title o …
It is the new year, and you might have expected a more uplifting title. Dying is not the first thing that comes to mind when we contemplate over new year’s resolutions. They usually focus on creating something new or adding a habit like: “From now on, …
This verse is from the ‘Pandava Gita’, a collection of poems to god in the form of Krishna. It is often also chanted to the guru, as god and guru are essentially the same. In the Indian tradition the first and maybe most important guru is your mother – …
We are familiar with the phrase one should be the change one wishes to see in the world. In reality, that is the only change there is, as what you see is actually you. Change is always and constant, the question or practice is to understand patterns, t …
When you think about a yoga practice space, the perfect practice space, what comes to mind? What are non-negotiable items for you? Does the floor need to be flat and firm? Do you need walls, windows, natural light or an altar? There is an interesting v …
On my altar lies a simple acorn, it is small and can fit in my hand. It reminds me daily of the saying “ Great oaks from little acorns grow ”. Within that acorn lies the potential to start a whole forest of oak trees, all it needs is to be planted in t …
If we consciously want, we can make significant changes in our lives and transform the world into a better, sustainable place. The results of these efforts may be visible right away, after some time or don’t show up at all: for this reason, not seeing …
“Imagine you live in a dimension where you have total control. Nothing happens without your permission, and everything you want to happen, happens. For a while, you’d probably enjoy innumerable pleasures and luxuries. Then, after not so very long, you’ …