In these fearful times, people are concerned about being in a post-truth world. Facts and fiction are now inter-twined, yes, however, here is a reality check: Even the so-called Truth that we believe is somehow absolute, based on evidence, corroborated …
Happy New Year! For millions worldwide, January is the month of making resolutions. Just before the New Year begins, it is also the time of looking back at the year that was. In many respects, 2018 has been a year of warnings, in some cases, dire warn …
It is Christmas AD 2200. The polar ice melted long ago. Everyone had been forced to move back from the oceans 200 years ago. All species of animals have disappeared. We join our story in New York State in the early morning after a snowfall of 12 inches …
“We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.” –George Orwell, Animal Farm “For if you kill me you will not easily find another like me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to t …
AI stands for artificial intelligence. When this term is used we are normally referring to intelligence outside of a living being. We are able to load data points into a smart machine, which then applies algorithms to resolve actions. The action could …
Haribol means, “chant the name of the Lord.” Bol means to chant or speak. Hari means, “He who steals away the distresses of his devotees and ultimately steals their heart/minds by His excellent transcendental qualities.” Hari is a name for Vishnu-Krish …
I turned the faucet and filled a small glass with water just as I had daily for a month. The water was still brown, not brownish like weak tea, but thick and brown, like a puddle of water on the ground when it is disturbed. Today, Cape Town’s reservoir …
Magic happens when there is a shift in perception, perception of yourself, others and the world. For the yoga practitioner, that shift is a movement away from false identification with the temporary and towards that which is eternal. Every serious prac …
Magic happens when there is a shift in perception, perception of yourself, others and the world. For the yoga practitioner, that shift is a movement away from false identification with the temporary and towards that which is eternal. Every serious prac …
Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun often translated as “power” but more exactly means “accomplishment,” “attainment “or “success.” A siddha is one who has accomplishment or success. The third pada (chapter) of the Yoga Sutra is titled Vibhuti, and addresses the …
Guru means teacher, the enlightenment principle. The Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva symbolizes the process of creation, sustenance and destruction that all of manifestation is subjected to. Brahma is creation and refers to the circumstances of …
“Realize that your true nature is that of pure light only, and both the perceived, and the perceiver come and go together. That which makes both possible, and yet is neither, is your real being, which means not being a ‘this’ or ‘that’ but pure awarene …